
Tuesday, 1 April 2014

METAPHOR...Uneasy language strains to form a vocal backdrop for the earth

Uneasy language strains to form
a vocal backdrop for the earth,
each metaphor will slip and slide
as rank confusion comes to birth.

We need to grip these powerful tools
which bring a richness to our thought,
to understand each twist and turn,
while finer truth is being wrought.

Transcendent energies will surge
beyond the value of each word,
that sound a deeper, richer note,
and challenge what once seemed absurd.

So bring these strategies to bear,
to make a mightier music now.
And as we listen earth will groan,
praise comes, creation shows us how!
Andrew Pratt 31/3/2014
Following a lecture by Rosalind Selby at Luther King House

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