
Thursday, 23 April 2015

MIGRATION HYMN - hymn response to reports of more than 800 people drowned off Libya's coast

Idyllic beaches break the waves
as bathers line the shore
This view of peace is now disturbed:
an aftermath of war.
The ones who fled from lives they knew
have gone in fear and dread,
the ships that offered hope to them
are sunk with many dead.

And where is God amid the swell
where tides still ebb and flow,
unfeeling of this loss of life,
as others come and go?
The commerce of the world goes on.
Can we ignore the pain?
It is as though we're blind to see
Christ crucified again.

The ones who drown are ones we own
as neighbours we should love,
how can we turn our eyes away,
avert our gaze above?
For when our politics conspires
to shut the door to grace
it is as though we turn away
from Jesus' tortured face.
© Andrew Pratt 22/4/2015 Please include on your CCL return if you have one


The challenge of migration: In response to reports of more than 800 people drowned off Libya's 

coast on Sunday 19th April 2015, bringing the number of deaths this year to 1,750.

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