
Thursday, 30 December 2010

Hymn: God is not partial

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God is not partial,
calls all the people,
builds up the broken,
comforts the frail,
raises the fallen,
walks with the outcast,
loves without limits,
love will not fail.

God joined the people,
crowds John was calling,
crowds by the river,
turning around;
turned by his preaching,
turned by a conscience,
turned by a gospel,
suddenly found.

Humbly God joined them:
Jesus John's cousin,
strange, enigmatic,
why would he come?
John asked the question,
Jesus was forthright,
'You must baptise me.
This must be done'.

One with the people,
Jesus was rising,
out of the water,
mission begun;
light to the nations,
eyes to the blinded,
prisoners find freedom,
'this is my son'!
© Andrew Pratt 2/12/2010

HYMNS POSTED ON THIS BLOG MAY BE USED FREELY LOCALLY WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. TO PUBLISH FOR PROFIT PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR. For more hymns go to Hymns page For Books by Andrew Pratt follow LINKS on the Links page. Books are available on the following sites: Amazon, Stainer & Bell Ltd, Twelvebaskets, SCM-Canterbury Press Latest book due Summer 2010 SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry - follow this link - Andrew Pratt lectures at Luther King House, The Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester as a Methodist Tutor at Hartley Victoria College

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Hymn at the time of welfare reform

When selfish actions, acts of state,
or natural faults compound our need,
God give us strength to reach beyond
the limits set by class or creed.

Pre-emptive love must strike to heal
the hurt of our humanity;
to touch the scars and wounds of hate
with steadfast, loving sympathy.

Then give us courage gracious God,
exposing hateful, unjust laws;
to put our lives upon the line,
to counter hurt with faithful force.
© Andrew Pratt 26/10/2010

HYMNS POSTED ON THIS BLOG MAY BE USED FREELY LOCALLY WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. TO PUBLISH FOR PROFIT PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR. For more hymns go to Hymns page For Books by Andrew Pratt follow LINKS on the Links page. Books are available on the following sites: Amazon, Stainer & Bell Ltd, Twelvebaskets, SCM-Canterbury Press Latest book due Summer 2010 SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry - follow this link - Andrew Pratt lectures at Luther King House, The Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester as a Methodist Tutor at Hartley Victoria College

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry


The SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry offers a practical introduction for those who are training for ministry, both lay and ordained, within the church.
The book answers the questions asked by those preparing for ministry and by those who have recently started and found gaps in the way they have been prepared. The author uses real examples drawn from his experience of over 20 years of pastoral ministry, together with work in chaplaincy and broadcasting and the shared experience of others.
The book covers all those aspects of ministry required within the more practical contextual areas of the course of preparation for ministry in use by mainstream denominations, such as baptisms, weddings, working with others, communication, meetings and funerals. It provides practical guidance which is soundly theologically and pastorally based.

Categories: Pastoral Studies, SCM Study Guides, Theology, Undergraduate Theology and Seminary
Publication Date: NOW AVAILABLE
Binding/Format: Paperback      Pages: 192
Status: In Stock
Price: £16.99
ISBN:  9780334043591

Tuesday, 20 July 2010



This is our song - women's hymn-writing, Janet Wootton, Epworth, 2010
Grace, Order, Openess, Diversity - Reclaiming Liberal Theology, Ian Bradley, Continuum, 2010
Theology's Strange Return, Don Cupitt, SCM, 2010

Friday, 25 June 2010

What does singing do to us?

When we sing we embody (in-body) the theology that we have read. We take it in, translate, interpret and transmit. In the process are we, perhaps, formed or changed by the medium? Not pushing the metaphor too far, is it in any way like eating - what we eat becomes part of us, we excrete some of it, and it can nourish or poison…

So what we sing, and even how we sing, becomes important in a way we may not have envisaged before. It is one thing to read a text which remains remote, like looking at a cake and not eating it; it is something altogether different to take the text in and to re-transmit it. That we might do by reading aloud. The sheer physicality of singing, the presence of music, steps everything up a gear. Wesley knew that. That is why hymns were so important. The hymns provided portmanteau scriptures or interpretations, theology or doctrine. These were memorised and could be shared with others. And you can never lose them - which can become a bit of an irritation!

Why do you like this hymn or that? Why do you find some hymns abhorrent? 'A good sing' says as much, if not more, about feeling as it does about understanding or literary or musical quality. But Britta Martini wants to push us further by asking what is there in the expression of the music or the structure of a text, key or melody, image or metaphor, that causes a hymn to affect us in this way?

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

A Hymn Of Exploration

We take the path that leads beyond this moment,
while seeking all the hope faith has to give;
we walk so near the edge of understanding,
while grasping what we need to know to live.

This is no abstract whim that we are tracing,
this story of God’s free, creative grace;
this is no empty, useless recitation,
but God’s own love that nothing can erase.

The vision that you give, each new disclosure,
will bring us closer to our common goal,
the point where you assure us of salvation,
for us and every other living soul.

© Andrew Pratt 23/6/2010

HYMNS POSTED ON THIS BLOG MAY BE USED FREELY LOCALLY WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. TO PUBLISH FOR PROFIT PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR. For more hymns go to Hymns page For Books by Andrew Pratt follow LINKS on the Links page. Books are available on the following sites: Amazon, Stainer & Bell Ltd, Twelvebaskets, SCM-Canterbury Press Latest book due Summer 2010 SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry - follow this link - Andrew Pratt lectures at Luther King House, The Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester as a Methodist Tutor at Hartley Victoria College

Sunday, 30 May 2010


When life juggles with our learning,
with the things we thought secure,
then it seems the artist’s palette
spins and faith becomes obscure.

In the wash of different colours,
as we seek for shape and form,
others paint their faith by numbers
forcing God to fit some norm.

But when life has torn the canvas,
when the numbers twist and slip;
then we need to find an image
that will help our hope to grip:

holding us, when we're past holding,
grounding when we're insecure,
till we find a faith, not drifting,
still dynamic, free, yet sure.

© Andrew Pratt 28/5/2010

HYMNS POSTED ON THIS BLOG MAY BE USED FREELY LOCALLY WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. TO PUBLISH FOR PROFIT PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR. For more hymns go to Hymns page For Books by Andrew Pratt follow LINKS on the Links page. Books are available on the following sites: Amazon, Stainer & Bell Ltd, Twelvebaskets, SCM-Canterbury Press Latest book due Summer 2010 SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry - follow this link - Andrew Pratt lectures at Luther King House, The Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester as a Methodist Tutor at Hartley Victoria College

Monday, 26 April 2010


Progressive Religion is an expression of faith held within the phrase: ‘Nothing Fixed or Final’.*
This is a creed in that Progressive Religion is not without belief, but that belief is always provisional because we are human. It involves a seeking after truth with the humility to admit that if we think we have found such truth, and we are tempted to frame and dogmatise it, then we have missed the point. Our understanding can never be complete, is always dynamic, always subject to change.
Progressive theology is predicated on the provisional nature of this religion and cannot ever be rooted in only one religious expression. While it may draw conclusions these are always open to critique, modification, change or even ultimately abandonment.
Progressive worship gives expression to such theology and it is the nature of liturgy and worship that they are not simply dependent on this theology, but are also the crucibles in which such theology is explored and sometimes formed.
*Sidney Carter once said that his creed was ‘Nothing Fixed or Final’ and I have found this has held for me thus far.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

My hymn collections are now available to buy on Amazon at


For more hymns go to Hymns page

For Books by Andrew Pratt follow LINKS on the Links page. Books are available on the following sites:
Amazon, Stainer & Bell Ltd, Twelvebaskets, SCM-Canterbury Press

Latest book due Summer 2010
SCM Studyguide Practical Skills for Ministry - follow this link -

Andrew Pratt lectures at Luther King House, The Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester as a Methodist Tutor at Hartley Victoria College