
Thursday, 5 December 2013

Nelson Mandela Hymn

This day we have witnessed a man for all nations, 
a man who was human, held fast what is right, 
for this he would live with profound resignation,
he shone in the world, don't extinguish that light.

And we who are human stand now in remembrance, 
frail shadows of all he has shown we can be. 
Standfast in this moment and cherish the values, 
for which he once suffered that we might be free.

The man we remember has died, will be [has been] buried, 
yet while we seek justice his theme will not fall
His spirit is living, will not be extinguished, 
the love he embodied is always for all.
Andrew Pratt 5/12/013 Copyright Stainer & Bell Ltd.
At the death of Nelson Mandela
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